Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Interesting usual no disclaimers...

Prof SS of our department were assigned the duty of evaluating the seminars of the whole class. Imagine, listening to boring talks, that too 70 times :D :D
Whatever...he had to do it...he had to tackle the situation making full use of his astute brain ;)
So, he came up with the following rules/instructions/requests(?) for the seminar:
  • Reduce the time/seminar from 60 minutes(as suggested by Prof SrC) to 20 minutes and later to 15 minutes.
  • Only 2 minutes for questions and it would be great if people finished their seminars in less than 15 minutes.
  • Please don't ask questions (he pleaded ;)

Anyways...the seminars did take place, he used to occupy the seat in the first row of the seminar hall and remained their almost alike a statue till the time for seminars used to get over. We assayed that he can sleep with his eyes open and sometimes we used to get worried, whether he's still alive or not ;) and then he used to bring us bak to senses by his big mouthed yawn :D

Most of the times he tried to escape from the seminars but you know some disobedient;) students like AM,TB etc used to catch and bring him in the seminar hall(to torture him for 2 hours...listening to he seminars)

The Last incident was the coolest and I didn't ever imagine in my weirdest of dreams that someone could actually....

Scene: LAST SEMINAR SESSION(towards the end of the semester), SS is happy and excited, overhead(attached to the ceiling) projector(this was a new projector gifted to the seminar hall by the department before this semester) is ready, etc etc...
Almost 2 hours have passed....suddenly prof comes into action...
"Well...I was wondering from a long time...but couldn't stop myself from asking this today...
Earlier we used to have a table on which the projector was kept for projecting the ppts on the screen.But now there's no projector! Seems that the department has acquired a new technology wherein the data is directly trasferred from computer to the screen through some sort of magnetic eh..?

:D :D :D :D
The sem's going to end..he has attended almost 70 seminars and he didn't notice the big projector attached to the ceiling and was under the impression that all ppts were magically (sort of :P) appearing on the!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

@ OpenSource Workshop, NITW

Mr. SK from Yahoo R&D, Bangalore the die hard supporter of Open Source and an invited Speaker for the OpenSource WorkShop held at NIT Warangal, organized by IEEE (the NITW branch) March, 2007.

(on why you should go for Open source rather than Microsoft) :
"If the guy(or guys) who design a product for the Open Source dies, the world won't lose anything, because the source code would be available to the public along with a thorough documentation
If the guy(or guys) who design a product for Microsoft dies, the world will lose it and the people who use it would be at loss, because it is not Open!"
So... people working at Microsoft, it's unethical and immoral for you to die (if you have designed a product)

on How to make money if you are a votary of Open Source ) :
( Basically Mr. SK got confused or/and was left with no answers by the time this question was asked )
"Working on Open Source would give you a lot of experience, good coding skills, ability to design a good product, fix horrible bugs..... and this would enable you to join a good company(like Microsoft :P ?) "

Note : No disclaimers :D

About Me

Well..I'm sort dunno !!!